Friday, August 20, 2010

Which antivirus is better? Norton,Mc Afee or Panda,etc for general and internet use?

Kaspersky Personal Pro all the way. Smart, fast and low-memory consuming. Easy to configure too. Give it a try at

Norton has work very well for me, got rid of some worms and stuff...very realiable

i have heard norton slows ya down too much, seems too to me, mac has been good for me, never tried panda???
good luck and let us know if ya find out, thanks!
McAfee. I've had it on all my computers. Norton was more trouble than it's worth. Now, I'm not saying McAfee isn't pesky with all those stupid pop-ups because it freaks out and wants you to update every three seconds! (you can turn them off don't worry) Also, I've used eTrust EZ AntiVirus and Firewall. There is a free version (just google it!) and it works like a charm, if not with slightly less frills. Good luck!

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