Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Panda food?

According to the National Geographic, 99% of the panda's diet is bamboo shoots and leaves. They also occassionally eat other vegetation, fish, or small animals. Apparently, a giant panda cannot live on only one species of bamboo; they need to eat at least two species of bamboo or they will starve.

There is a famous example having do with the meaning of a sentence depending on quotation marks:

''Eats shoots and leaves'' can refer to a Panda with no punctuation, but has a different meaning with a single comma: ''Eats, shoots and leaves''.

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Bamboo is the favorite food of Giant Panda bears. It is grown all over the Panda's habitat. But it also can and is grown in many other parts of the world. In th U.S., many varieties have been imported and flourish in home gardens. They are popular in home gardens where Japanese or asian setting are desired. For others, they just like the challenge of growing something different.

Bamboo can be grown in most climates. It also requires little care and attention, thriving and spreading profusely through it's root system . It is strongly recommended that gardeners create a barrier two to three feet deep around the planting area to contain the spread of the roots to areas beyond where the plants are desired.

Not only is bamboo grown as an ornamental plant, but the shoots are edible. If you eat a variety of chinese food, chances are you have eaten bamboo. Like rice, it has little flavor of it's own and takes on the flavor of the food it is cooked with. While nutritional value is low, it is a good source of fiber. Low nutritional value is one reason Giant Pandas need to eat so much of it. Bamboo shoots command a fairly high market price so it can make a good cash crop.
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