Friday, August 20, 2010

Is a panda bear, a bear?

YES they are bears. Taxonomic family Ursidae.

NO koalas aren't bears, they are marsupials. They got the nickname because they're cute and look like teddy bears.

As for the ''raccoon family'' comment, there are 2 types of pandas. The giant panda is a bear, most definitely. While the red panda is distantly related to the raccoon but is in a family of it's own, scientists don't quite know where to stick it at the moment. The two are not related, panda is just a word that means ''eater of bamboo,'' and interestingly enough, the red panda was named before the giant panda was.

Is a panda bear, a bear?virus protection software

how many giant pandas exist in captivity?and in the wilds estimate Report It

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Pandas are bears...special bears, but definately bears.

Whoever asked if koalas are bears up, koalas are marsupials...
nop.... is a snake!!!
of course they are bears.
I think they're technically a member of the raccoon family (and technically not a bear)
The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca ''black-and-white cat-foot'') is a mammal classified in the BEAR family, Ursidae, native to central and southern China.

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